About the Project
The Project
The Project CZ 0282 „Příběhy železné opony – cesty ke svobodě“ („The Iron Curtain stories – journeys to freedom“) is realized by Občanské sdružení PAMĚT within the Programme „Evropská územní spolupráce Rakousko – Česká republika 2007 – 2013, Fond malých projektů“ („European regional cooperation Austria – Czech Republic 2007 – 2013, Small Projects Fund“). It is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) resources.
The aim of the Project is to increase the opportunities to discover the history of Iron Curtain. In total fifteen stories of various places, various times and various methods of overcoming the Iron Curtain attractively demonstrate the recent history of divided Europe to visitors of the Czech – Austrian border areas.
The launched mobile phone application (guide) extends visitors` possibilities to gain information quickly, easily and with low financial demands by means of GPS coordinates or by reading a QR code in Czech, German or English (loading web pages into mobile phone at home of at Information Centres). The utilized photographs come from the Security Services Archive, Archive of witnesses and Občanské sdružení PAMĚŤ.